Lorenci Gjurgjaj


Greetings! 👋 I’m Lorenci Gjurgjaj. Currently, I’m pursuing my PhD at The Open University (UK) within the School of Life, Health, and Chemical Science. My primary focus is on advancing research at the intersection of nanomaterials and biomedical applications. Specifically, I’m based at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IT) where I’m involved in the Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications department. Here, my work centers around the development of scalable methods for producing magnetic-inorganic nanomaterials tailored for applications in cancer theragnostics and other biomedical areas.

My academic journey began with a Master of Science degree in Chemistry, which I obtained from the Uni of Tirana (AL) and the Uni of Maribor (SI). Additionally, I had the opportunity to visit through a Short-Term-Scientific Mobility, The Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry at the Uni of Saarland (DE), where I focused on the bioactivity of different medicinal plant extractions.

Prior to embarking on my doctoral studies, I accumulated experience working in various research and industry settings. For five years, I was part of the Research Department at Ivodent Academy (AL) where I engaged in diverse projects spanning high-pressure applications, medical and aromatic plant extraction studies, and thermal characterization of inorganic materials. Furthermore, I gained practical experience as a product technologist for the distributor of leading scientific equipment brands such as Netzch, Sartorius, Bruker, Memmert, and Thermo Fischer in Albania.

Beyond my research endeavors, I am deeply interested in applying artificial intelligence to public health solutions, through open-access initiatives. I also have a keen interest in visualizing and analyzing big data, drawing insights from human psychology, and exploring the tenets of stoic philosophy.

If you’d like to discuss potential collaborations or delve deeper into any of these areas, I’d love to connect! Feel free to reach out anytime.
